My phuntsokcholing

20, 21 & 22 OKT

Empowerments Weekend

with H.E. Tang Rinpoche, Lama Jigmé Namgyal and other lamas

We are delighted to welcome back the highly respected Tibetan master Zhiltrul Choni Rangshar Rinpoche – aka Tang Rinpoche – after his first visit to our center in 2017.

The weekend is twofold; in the mornings His Eminence Tang Rinpoche will bestow various empowerments and transmissions (lungs) to Buddhists. Every afternoon a Tibetan prayer ceremony (monlam) will take place, dedicated to world peace and all sentient beings. These will be led by Lama Jigmé, H.E. Tang Rinpoche, other lamas and monastics.

If you want to join one or all of these mornings, then you should’ve already at least taken refuge with an authentic Buddhist master from a pure lineage, and received some authentic empowerments from that master before. Please take your own responsibility and know your own capacity.

For the monlam taking place in the afternoons, everybody is welcome – Buddhist or non-Buddhist. The monlam is a practice with prayers for world peace and the well-being of all sentient beings. The merit of the ceremonies will be dedicated to the deceased, those who are sick or live in fear; to alleviate their suffering.

Everyone is cordially invited to participate. Whatever our individual cultures, religions, or beliefs, praying for peace is something that can unite us all in a spirit of compassion and kindness. By joining in this pursuit of peace, we can sow seeds of inner and outer peace in our own minds and those of others

Participation in the monlams is possible by attending in person, and/or making a donation for specific persons (e.g. relatives, loved-ones and friends) who have passed away or who are confronted with painful circumstances. Even those who have passed away long ago can still benefit from the merit we dedicate to them and the positive bond we establish with them. Registration for the monlams is possible here

Zhiltrul Choni Rangshar Rinpoche (1962, Tibet)

His Eminence Tang Rinpoche is a respected Dzogchen Master and the abbot of the important Choedeypung Monastery in Bumtang, Bhutan. Rinpoche studied under great masters in Tibet, India, Nepal and Bhutan, including Khenpo Jigmé Phuntsok in Larung Gar, where he made a close connection with Lama Jigmé Namgyal. In 1999, Khenpo Jigmé Phuntsok prophesied that H.E. Tang Rinpoche’s teachings would be of immense benefit not only for the Bhutanese people, but for all sentient beings. Today, H.E. Tang Rinpoche is among the preeminent teachers in Bhutan, his great work recognized by the Bhutanese Royal Family. His Eminence is also known as a treasure revealer (tertön) for discovering important spiritual teachings (termas). These were often hidden by Guru Rinpoche, Yeshe Tsogyal and other great masters in the 8th century, for the benefit of future generations.

Khenpo Jigmé Phuntsok Rinpoche (1933 – 2004, Tibet)

H.H. Khenpo Jigmé Phuntsok, root master of both Lama Jigmé and H.E. Tang Rinpoche, was one of the greatest Buddhist scholars of the 20th century, praised by all schools and sects. He was a treasure revealer, renowned as the incarnation of Terton Sogyal Lerab Lingpa, and also considered an emanation of Mipham Rinpoche. Khenpo played an extremely important role in the revival of Buddhism in Tibet after the Cultural Revolution. In the later part of his life more than 10,000 students gathered around him at Larung Gar in Sertar, Eastern Tibet. It went on to become the largest Buddhist teaching center in the world. In 1993, Khenpo was invited by dharma centers to tour and teach in Europe and North America, thereby expanding his following in the United States, Canada, Germany, England and France. 


Friday 20th of October
Morning 09:30 – 13:00H

༡༽ ཆོས་རྗེ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུའི་བླ་མའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་བྱིན་རླབས་(མཆོག)་སྩོལ་གྱི་ཁྲིད་ལུང་།

1. Instructional and reading transmission of Chöjé Yizhin Norbu’s Guru Yoga* (practice): Bestower of the Supreme Blessing

༢༽ འཇམ་དཔལ་ཞི་སྒྲུབ་ཀྱི་སྐུ་གསུང་ཐུགས་དབང་ཙམ་དང་།

2. The mind, body and speech empowerments of the Sādhana of Peaceful Mañjuśrī (only empowerment)


3. Empowerment and reading transmission of the ‘Neck-Pouch Dagger’ (Purba Gulkhukma) – profound treasure of Yangleshö cave

Afternoon 15:00 – 17:00H → Monlam

Saturday 21st of October

Morning 09:30 – 13:00H

༡༽ བླ་མ་ཡིད་བཞིན་ནོར་བུས་སྤ་གྲོ་སྟག་ཚང་ནས་བཞེས་པའི་རྡོ་རྗེ་གྲོ་ལོད་རྒྱུན་ཁྱེར་གྱི་ཁྲིད་ལུང་།

1. Instructional and reading transmission of the Daily Practice of Dorje Drolö, (treasure teaching) revealed by Chöjé Yizhin Norbu* from Paro Taktsang

༢༽ བླ་མའི་དགོངས་གཏེར་གུ་རུ་དྲག་པོའི་དབང་ལུང་།

2. Empowerment and reading transmission of the Guru Drakpo – mind treasure of Lama

༣༽ བདུད་འཇོམས་ཁྲོས་མའི་དབང་དང་།

3. Empowerment of Dudjom Tröma

Afternoon 15:00 – 17:00H → Monlam

Sunday 22nd of October

Morning 09:30 – 13:00H

༡༽ སྒྲོལ་མ་དམར་མོ་དབང་ལུང།

1. Red Tara


2. Reading transmission of The Quintessence of Oceanic Prayers of Aspiration

༣༽ དུས་ཚོད་ཀྱི་ལང་ན་ས་ཡི་སྙིང་པོའི་རྗེས་གནང་ཡང་འདོན་ཆོག་ཞུ།

3. If time allows, the Blessing of Kṣitigarbha will also be given

Afternoon 15:00 – 17:00H → Monlam


*Chöjé Yizhin Norbu = Khenpo Jigmé Phuntsok

Practical information

Dates: Friday 20 – Sunday 22 October 2023
Time: Daily from 09:30 – 13:00H and from 15:00 – 17:00H
Location: Phuntsok Chö Ling, Oostkousdijk 17B, 3024 CL Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Language: Tibetan with translation to English
Registration: Possible for the whole weekend or separately per day or part of the day (morning and afternoon). Registration for the monlams is done separately here.
Online: While we won’t have online participation available for both the mornings and afternoons, we’re looking forward to creating an engaging in-person experience for all attendees
Offering: For the monlams it’s common to bring food, flowers, etc. to offer
Other: Lunch is not included, you can bring your own
Empowerments and/or Lungs
members: → €49 per morning
non-members: → €55 per morning
members & non-members: → €15 per afternoon or 3 afternoons for €35

All members (Lite & Plus & Minima) pay the same price. Due to the character of the event and the expenses it takes, donations on top of this price are very much welcome. 


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