My phuntsokcholing

VRIJDAG 28 APR '23 19:30-21:00

Movie Night – Screening of 2 special Documentaries

Screening of “An Extraordinary Yogi’ (2022) & "Oma" (2023)

Come to our temple foyer for a full-length movie program on the big screen. We are showing two special documentaries.

The feature film is “An Extraordinary Yogi” (2022). This film follows Lama Jigme, a Tibetan Buddhist teacher, and his four classmates as they organize a Festival of Prayer for 2,500 participants at the site of Buddha’s enlightenment in Bodhgaya, India, in honor of their late teacher, Akyong Siddi Tulku, who passed away in 2002. The film offers an extraordinary portrait of Lama Jigme as both a Buddhist teacher and a student of his teacher, and depicts the importance of pure teaching and honoring the departed, while also providing a glimpse offers in the life of an extraordinary ‘yogi’.

The second movie is “Oma (Grandma)” (2023). This short documentary shows the last years of the life of Riet (Oma) de Vos, a 97-year-old woman who lived a long life, survived the hunger winter and saw modern life develop. She lived independently until she was 94 and when she finally had to move to a retirement home, that was the beginning of the end. “Oma” is a beautiful portrait of an independent woman in the last phase of her life, who managed to keep her clear and healthy mind until the very end.

Both documentaries will receive an exclusive screening this evening and are filmed and directed by Diether Eichler, who is also a student of Lama Jigme.

Before the films we organize a potluck dinner. Access to the evening is on a donation basis and all proceeds benefit Lama Jigme’s project to purchase a piece of land for retreats and self-sufficient living from the ANBI foundation Phuntsok Namgyal Ling.


6:00 p.m. potluck dinner
7:00 pm walk-in
7:30 p.m. short film ‘Grandma’ starts
(2023, Diether Eichler)
7:45 pm main movie documentary An Extraordinary Yogi
(2022, Diether Eichler)
8:30 p.m. intermission
21:00 aftertalk

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