My phuntsokcholing


Vrijwilligers, taken en verantwoordelijkheden

Laatste update: June 2024

General overview of tasks & Volunteers

Tasks / responsibilities are grouped together where it makes sense.
Name in parentheses (name) is the current volunteer.
If you are no longer able to fulfill your task, please notify 2 months in advance and try your best to find a replacement yourself and consult Lama for this through Diether.

Organize events (coordinators: Diether & Joachim)

  • Update public calendar, assign events to organisers, check PR + website
  • Answer emails from events@ who have questions / comments about the events
  • Make sure the centre is ready to host the event: put cushions, chairs, audio / video equipment,
  • Divide tasks among participants (karmayoga list) and print this to remind during event
  • Arrange facilitators / hosts for the event
  • Purchase tea, coffee, cookies, and other consumables

General communication

  • Answer questions about info@, classes, etc. (Diether)
  • Answer emails from events@ who have questions / comments about the events (Diether)
  • Sangha care (Paul)
  • Contact person Lama Jigme (Vacant)

Public relations: yearly program (coördinators: Diether, + Extra New Person)

  • Webmaster: make sure content about classes, events, about us, financials, etc. is up-to-date. (Diether)
  • Webinar links need to be created per events and classes (Ruud)
  • Events need to be uploaded to Openstudio (so people can buy tickets) (Diether)
  • Create registration emails in Openstudio (with practical details, rules, etc.) (Diether)
  • Update public calendar (Diether)
  • Update our external calendars, program at Boeddhahuis, BUN, Boeddhistisch Dagblad, other groups and organizations (Vancant)
  • Monthly newsletter: ask people for content (Diether)
  • Text correction for newsletter
  • Create flyers, posters, banners and other media to promote events (well in advance) (Diether)
  • Send content to social media manager to be published on social media and advertisements (Diether)
  • Social Media Manager: schedule and publish content and advertisements on social media (Vincent)
  • Spreading flyers and announcing events in surrounding neighbourhoods
  • Boeddhahuis representative (3x per year), & Heilige Huisjes (Diether)


Public relations: external events / media (Vacant)

  • Organise external events / exposure in media for Lama Jigme to reach new audiences (Wereldmuseum, gyms, churches, newspaper, magazines, etc.)
  • Keeping press and contact list updated

Receive and host groups (schools, etc.) (coördinators: Nelly)

  • Report back for the newsletter and Lama Jigme, what groups did go to the centre? (Diether)
  • Host: (Various)

Media archive (coordinator: Stefan) 

  • Maintaining the media archive, which contains all video, audio and photos (of lectures Lama Jigme gives) that are being recorded over the years (Stefan)
  • Making sure we have a back-up of this, Lama Jigme has access to his archive (Stefan)
  • Download videos from Zoom after class (monday, wednesday) (Stefan)
  • Rename, upload and categorize videos to Vimeo (Stefan)
  • Add short summary to past videos about the subjects in the teaching (Gerda)
  • For new videos ask the class during the teaching for a short summary (Diether)

Library (coordinators: Vacant) 

  • Maintaining and organizing the library
  • Lending out books to members, remind them to give back books

Cleaning and maintaining the temple (coordinators: Paul, Nelly) 

  • Purchase cleaning supplies, toilet paper, etc. (Paul)
  • Washing blankets
  • Clean thangka’s and altar
  • Frequently clean and tidy up the foyer, toilets (Nelly)
  • Maintaining / re-filling first aid supplies
  • Waste management, put containers outside

Facilitators (coordinators: Jason)

  • Invite and appoint facilitators to classes and events
  • Organize facilitator meetings to share experiences and wishes of facilitators
  • Training of facilitators according to wishes of Lama Jigme (Diether)
  • During teachings, handle / translate questions, monitor chat (Vacant)
  • Facilitate and host monday class (Jason, Joachim)
  • Facilitate and host wednesday class (Paul, Nelly)
  • Facilitate and host thursday class (Diether)
  • Facilitate and host open meditation on sunday (various)
  • Facilitate special practices: Chod, Tsok, Phowa (Judith, Paul)
  • Facilitate and host events (Vacant)


  • Live translation during events (EN -> NL) for participants (Diether, Margo)
  • Providing the dharma texts to be used during events (Vacant)
  • Translating dharma materials to dutch for website and events

Dharma materials (coordinator: Diether)

  • Manage and approve dharma materials
  • Lay-out and print of dharma materials
  • Selling dharma materials to participants during or after events (Vacant)
  • Temple manager: managing the altar and objects in temple (Vacant)

Finance / administration (coördinators: Tine. With help of Aihua & Michel)

  • Membership administration (Tine)
  • Process and upload incoming invoices to Exact Online monthly (-)
  • Upload bank statements to Exact Online monthly  (-)
  • Export Mollie event payments to Exact Online per batch, monthly (-)
  • Pay incoming invoices (Aihua)
  • Pay member expenses declarations  (Aihua)
  • Issue out coming invoices (Aihua)
  • Refund members after events
  • Communication with accountant Bassant (board)
  • Seek out and arrange legal / fiscal advice (board)
  • Check and approve yearly financial report (Tine)

IT and audiovisual equipment (coordinators: Diether)

  • Manage email, groups and connect mailboxes for volunteers
  • Give access to shared drives: finance, coteam, board, etc
  • Manage domain names and web hosting contracts
  • Manage live translation server
  • Maintain and manage audiovisual equipment (speakers, camera’s, laptops, recording equipment)
  • Technical assistance to volunteers (bookkeeping, webinars, etc.)

Building / location management (coordinators: Paul)

  • First contact person Woonbron, gemeente Rotterdam
  • Manage heating schedule for events and classes
  • Incident management, communication with contractors
  • Maintain technical installations (heating, electricity, internet, etc.)
  • General repair and maintenance
  • Key management (Paul)
  • Manage and renew contracts for internet, insurance, electricity, etc. (board)

PCL Shop:
Selling dharma materials to participants during or after events (Vacant)